Resil Card

The Project

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and diabetes are leading causes of death and morbidity globally, inflicting a heavy burden on health systems, and are closely related on health inequalities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on cardiovascular care, exacerbating existing challenges and triggering new ones.


As previously highlighted by We CARE, the severe disruption of cardiovascular care pathways worldwide resulted in:

  • increased morbidity and mortality for both chronic and acute cardiac patients
  • incremental societal costs for healthcare systems

Interruption in the continuity of care and reduction of patient access to acute interventional care demonstrated the unpreparedness of healthcare services and the significant risk of impact on the quality of essential cardiovascular care services in times of healthcare or societal crises.

In the face of future crises, it is crucial to take action to improve cardiovascular care resilience and enhance health systems’ preparedness, drawing the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and thoroughly focusing on the current resilience state across States and differences across health systems, also considering socio-economic health determinants.


RESIL-Card website


Empowering European healthcare systems: RESIL-Card, an EU4Health project, launches to enhance cardiovascular care resilience (NEWS RELEASE 18-JAN-2024)


Comunicato stampa Presentazione progetto ITA - 29 gennaio 2024

Articolo sul progetto per GISE NEWS - aprile 2024


RESIL-Card: presentato il progetto a Think Heart 2024

Roma, 30 maggio 2024 - Nel corso della IX edizione di Think Heart, il Presidente Francesco Saia ha parlato di Resil-Card, presentando il progetto europeo in corso alla platea e alle istituzioni presenti a questo importante appuntamento di economia e politica sanitaria organizzato ogni anno da GISE.

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